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{{#invoke: Infobox Kingdom | default
! Mugroba
| image = Mugroba-zoom-current.png
| caption = Map of the Kingdom of Mugroba (click to enlarge).
| '''Prime God:''' [[Hulali]]
| capital = [[Thul Ka | Thul'ka]]
| university = [[Thul'Amat]]
| government = Hereditary Monarchy, Merchant Republic
| rulers = [[Emperor Un Fera]] and Congress
| climate = [ Subtropical Desert]
| land = 4,655,000 sq mi
| population = 11.75 million
| percent = 65%H, 15%W, 16%G, 4%P
| races = 7.6 mil humans; 1.75 mil wicks; 1.9 mil galdori; 470,000 passives
| currency = [[Concord]], [[Underworld Currency]]
| worship = [[Hulali]]
| languages = [ Estuan], [[Tek Lexicon| Tek]], [[Mugrobi Lexicon| Mugrobi]]
| play_status = OPEN for Play
'''Population:''' 11 Million
The '''Kingdom of Mugroba''' is a prosperous and spiritual Kingdom, and, currently, also Anaxas' greatest ally. The Mugrobi people worship Hulali, the goddess of water, which they depend on for trade, transportation, farming, and life itself.
'''Races:''' 85%H, 5%W, 10%G
'''Climate:''' [[Desert & Tropical]]
'''Capital:''' [[Thul Ka]]
'''Rulers:''' [[Emperor Un Fera]]
'''Main University:''' [[Thul'amat]]
'''Languages:''' [[Estuan]], [[Mugrobi]]
'''Currency:''' [[Anaxi concord]]
The Kingdom of '''Mugroba''' lies to the northeast of [[Anaxas]], directly south of Hox. It is comprised of a vast expanse of desert punctuated by several long, winding rivers which serve as highways for trade and travel; the largest and longest of these rivers is the [[Turga]]. It is currently ruled by the youthful [[Emperor Un Fera]], a boy of twelve. The prime god of Mugroba is [[Hulali]], the River God. The capital city is [[Thul Ka]], or the White City, home to the palace of [[Ashu'tei]].
Sprawling to the northeast of [[Anaxas]], directly south of [[Hox]], Mugroba is comprised of a vast expanse of desert punctuated by several long, winding rivers which serve as highways for trade and travel; the largest and longest of these rivers is the [[Turga River| Turga]] with the '''Duna''' and '''Yug''' being other important waterways. Other tributaries and smaller rivers flow to these, allowing for life in the desert. It is currently ruled by the youthful [[Emperor Un Fera]], a boy of twelve. The prime god of Mugroba is [[Hulali]], the River God. The capital city is [[Thul Ka]], or the White City, home to the palace of Ashu'tei.
The adjectival and demonymic form of "Mugroba" is "Mugrobi". The word "Mug" is used in a non-pejorative way to describe a person from Mugroba or one of Mugrobi descent.
The adjectival and demonymic form of "Mugroba" is "Mugrobi". The word "Mug" is used in a non-pejorative way to describe a person from Mugroba or one of Mugrobi descent.
Mugrobi people are dark-skinned with white teeth and black or blue eyes (see [[Genetics and Appearances]]). Mugroba's population is mainly human, humanity making up around 85% of the total population. Wicks are a small percentage, maybe 5% total. Galdori and imbali (passives) make up a slightly larger portion of the population (around 10%), with many immigrating to [[Anaxas]] to attend school.
Mugrobi people are dark-skinned with white teeth and black or blue eyes (see [[Genetics and Appearances]]).
==Climate & Topography==
Mugroba is mostly an arid, subtropical desert with extremely hot days and very cold nights. Near the border with the Kingdom of Anaxas, there are swamps and wetlands, mineral floodplains and salt flats, but those quickly give way into scrublands with squat, sparse trees and finally sandy desert. Near the border with the Kingdom of Hox, dry plains become stepped grasslands that eventually climb into cold, windswept plateaus.
Mugroba's people are mainly human, making up around 85% of the total population. Wicks are a small percentage, maybe 5% total. [[Galdori]] make up a slightly larger portion of the population (around 10%), with many immigrating to Anaxas to attend school.
The [[Turga River| Turga]] river cuts through the middle of the Kingdom and provides life to the desert, creating fertile valleys and cutting mysterious canyons along the way. Many smaller rivers wind their way through the harsh desert landscape, digging deep, ancient valleys and rushing through dry wadi. They form important and life-giving networks of travel, communication, farming, and trade. These rivers and waterways are Mugroba's most well-traveled and well-maintained roads. They are vital to life in the Kingdom for all races.
Foothills and squat mountain ranges jut up through parts of the desert, but for the most part, Mugroba is rolling open spaces dotted with an oasis here and there, the occasional tributary to the Turga, and long, baking stretches of sand.
The number of galdori has gone up in Mugroba since the founding of [[Thul'Amat]], while the number of [[wicks]] has substantially lowered; many Mugrobi wicks have moved on to Anaxas, where they make a better living plying their trades on land rather than by sea. A good number of Mugrobi wicks and humans currently live and work in [[Old Rose Harbor]] in Anaxas, or in the [[Muluku Islands]]. The Mugrobi [[Plague]] wiped out a large portion of the small wick villages, causing many wicks who were not nomadic to become so.
Mugroba's islands, especially to the south, are very tropical and warm, but the Kingdom is so large that as the altitude climbs toward the north, the climate can be very cold.
The seasons are different in Mugroba than Anaxas, and while the rainy season is indeed very wet, often causing the rivers to overflow their banks to flood and mudslides in the mountains, other seasons see very little rain. Mugroba really only has four so-called seasons: cool, wet, hot, and hotter, with the coolest season of winter still quite sweltering in comparison to other Kingdoms such as Gior and Hox. Lightning storms and sandstorms whip through the desert during the hottest parts of the year, especially during the dry season.  
Their society is unusually egalitarian - galdori are considered superior to the majority population, but the gap between rich and poor is comparatively smaller than that of Anaxas, and humans, wicks and passives (known there as "[[imbali]]") are treated relatively well. Wicks, humans and imbali make up the majority of traders from that area, and can be quite wealthy and successful, as they are less hindered by their government than their neighbors to the south.
For more information on the temperatures and seasons, please see [[Current Events]] and the [[:Category: Weather Almanac| Weather Almanac]].
Although there is no significant hostility from the galdori towards the other races, galdori do consider themselves above the humans and do not commonly associate with them. All public offices are still held by the galdori. Humans are not prohibited from earning a living or owning property, however, and on some level the Mugrobi people understand that the old ways are dying out. However, they tolerate the situation in Anaxas.
The terrain of Mugroba is harsh and unforgiving—many foreigners find it unbearable because of its arid heat in the daytime and dry chill in the night. The '''ergs''' are broken up by many winding rivers that carve paths through shifting sands, scrublands, low mountains, and treacherous salt flats from west coast all the way to east coast—cutting Mugroba in two—which serve as the only means of safe, reliable transportation as well as fertile areas where the rich spice trade is grown and raised. Without Hulali's gift of these waterways, desert life would be impossible.
===Top Cities by Population===
*Thul’ka (Thul’amat) 55% = 6.5 million
*Muluku Isles 18% = 2.1 million
*Pa Krat 8% = 940,000
*Demoga (Human Only) 15% =1.1 million
Their political system is slightly different from that of Anaxas; their monarchy is based on a family line rather than an elected King and Queen.
The rest of the Mugrobi population that doesn’t live in Thul’ka is mostly spread out along the rivers that crawl through the desert kingdom and along the coast, even as far north as the Mineral Flats near Anaxas’ Fen Kierden. Galdori have a few other cities and towns, but nothing compares to the splendor of the White City where the three rivers meet.
===Specific Locations===
The terrain of Mugroba is harsh and unforgiving - many foreigners find it unbearable. The ergs are broken up by many winding rivers, which serve as the only roads. Without them, desert life would be impossible.
The islands off of the Mugrobi coast, however, are covered with lush jungle, white sands, and beautiful people. The [[Muluku Islands]] are vital places of produce and trade for all of the Six Kingdoms.
<ul class="tabs" data-tab>
  <li class="tab-title active">Western Erg</li>
  <li class="tab-title">Central Erg</li>
  <li class="tab-title">Eastern Erg</li>
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===Western Erg===
The islands off the Mugrobi coast, however, are covered with lush jungle.
Comprising of the western part of Mugroba along the coast of the Tincta Basta as well as the Quiet Sea, the Western Erg shares a border with the [[Anaxas| Kingdom of Anaxas]] via the [[Fen Kierden]]. Both the [[Turga River]] and the Yug River have their terminus in the Ticta Basta, spilling into the warm bay waters. The terrain of this Erg is fertile, home of many small fishing villages in the south and favorite fishing grounds of the wicks of [[Manaste]] who venture from the rivers to the sea with the flow of the seasons.
*The [[Muluku Islands]] are an archipelago that contain the major trade ports of Mugroba and serves as the go-between for the spice trade throughout all of the Six Kingdoms, mostly through the Kingdom of Anaxas.
*[[Manatse]] is a large floating wick encampment on the Turga river, in western Mugroba.
*[[Demoga]] a large human town in western Mugroba
*[[Holaga]] is a human town in mid-western Mugroba, famous for its natural golden phosphor mines.
*[[Pa Krat]] is a small village near Fen Kierden on the border with the Kingdom of Anaxas.
*[[Asha Mora]]is a medium-sized fishing town in western Mugroba, badly affected by the Mugrobi Plague
*The [[Mineral Flats]] are a long expanse of level ground stretching out from Fen Kierden, dotted with different mineral pools and long expanses of flat, salt-covered plains. When the Fen floods, its waters overflow into the Mineral Flats, creating a huge, temporary miasma of lakes and dangerous mud, only for it all to crust over again. This area also has geysers and deep, mysterious pools of liquid filled with strange concoctions.
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===Central Erg===
The central part of the Kingdom extends north into the Quiet Sea and south into the Austan Ocean. It is the most vast and most uninhabited part of Mugroba, though nomadic desert tribes of humans and wicks wander the sand wastes while others make their homes in the dry, rocky valleys carved out by long-forgotten rivers. Bandits roam the windswept sands hunting for foolish travelers and the hulks of airships brought down by the sandstorms that often ripple through the dunes. Most life is concentrated around the rivers and small tributaries that have carved deep canyons in the northern part of the Central Erg. Dangerous creatures stalk the wastes as well, though few live to tell the tales of their sightings.
*The [[Turga River]] extends from the west coast all the way to the east coast, effectively dividing Mugroba in the middle. This is the most fertile strip of the mostly dry, desert Kingdom, and many villages, farmlands, and floating collectives of wicks can be found on the river.
*[[Serkaih]] is the valley of ghosts (phasmonia) located in Central Mugroba and home to a sprawling, miniature town carved out of beautiful multi-colored sandstone.
*[[Paora Fo]] is a remote a desert village in Central Mugroba.
*[[Hulali's Handprints]] are a chain of lakes in the far south of Central Mugroba known for their different mineral contents and strange colors. It is a sacred site to all races of Mugroba and many temple ruins and altars to Hulali can be found here.
*[[Shifting Desert]] is a huge expanse of dangerous, windswept desert in north central Mugroba. Deadly creatures are said to roam the constantly shifting sands made up of brilliant colors and sandstorms frequently ravage the landscape, barreling south to occasionally reach as far as the great rivers and Thul'Ka itself.
**[[The Deserted Dune]]  is a place in the Mugrobi Expanse, a valley of windswept dunes littered with the bleached-white skeletons of the creatures that were unfortunate to be trapped in the sands at the bottom.
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===Eastern Erg===
The most populous and important Erg of the Kingdom is the Eastern Erg, meeting point of the Turga, Yug, and Duna rivers and seat of power in the capital city of [[Thul Ka]]. The sprawling capital is home to the majority of Mugroba's population, especially most of the galdori and [[Imbali| imbali]]. Trade, politics, and education are all centered in the Eastern Erg, and the Austan Ocean coast is home to a few wealthy fishing villages. To the far north, the desert gives way to scrubby grasslands and the topography begins to climb into the Steppes of the Kingdom of [[Hox]].
*[[Thul Ka]] is the capital city of Mugroba and heart and soul of the spice trade. It is located in Eastern Mugroba at the meeting of the three main rivers that supply the Mugrobi drylands with its most fertile and necessary resource.
* Unlike many other Kingdoms, the galdori bastion of sorcerous education, [[Thul'amat]] is located in the capital itself and has become an integral part of the sprawling city and culture.
*[[Redomseko Dailotoma]] is translated as "the village that is smaller than its name", this famous tourist attraction is similar to Muffey in that it is a center of fashionable galdori, two miles northwest of Thul Ka.
*[[Pa Olakano]] is a small fishing village in eastern Mugroba, on the coast.
*[[Isla Kura]] is a mysterious and legendary island lost in the mist to the southeast of Mugroba.
*The [[Wakesho Steppes]] are the low, grassy plains that make up the northeastern border of Mugroba and the Kingdom of [[Hox]]. Tall grasses, abundant wildlife, and tribal wicks roam this remote area that is almost entirely untouched by galdori authority. The altitude climbs via a series of plateaus as one approaches Hox until it becomes cold, windswept heights.  
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Mugrobi people are mostly unflinchingly moral. Lying is considered incredibly damning, so many Mugrobi think of ways around a lie, often by obscuring the truth with metaphor or invented parables. A backhanded insult is sometimes called a "mug compliment" in other countries, including Anaxas.
Mugrobi people are mostly unflinchingly moral. Lying is considered incredibly damning, so many Mugrobi think of ways around a lie, often by obscuring the truth with metaphor or invented parables or hiring someone to lie for them (usually an [[Imbali]]. A backhanded insult is sometimes called a "Mug compliment" in other countries, including Anaxas.
Intelligence and the pursuit of knowledge are of infinite importance not only to Mugrobi galdori, but also to the humans and wicks. Mugrobi humans and wicks are allowed to read and write, and the literacy rate is quite high. Keeping diaries, collections of poems and memoirs is a common activity among Mugrobi citizens; letter-writing, although an imperfect pastime given the unreliable nature of the post, is also very common. Many Mugrobi galdori have "quill friends" that they correspond with in [[Anaxas]] or [[Hox]].
As in Anaxas, intelligence and the pursuit of knowledge are of infinite importance to the Mugrobi galdori, but also to the humans and wicks. Mugrobi humans and wicks are allowed to read and write, and the literacy rate is quite high. Keeping diaries, collections of poems and memoirs is a common activity among Mugrobi citizens; letter-writing, although an imperfect passtime given the unreliable nature of the post, is also very common. Many Mugrobi galdori have "quill friends" that they correspond with in Anaxas or [[Hox]]. This is an expensive thing to do, but it is considered an academic pursuit.
The Mugrobi equivalent of [[Brunnhold]] is Thul'amat (or Thul University) in Thul Ka. It is a relatively new institution, built in the last 100 years to replace the destroyed [[Dejai Temple]] (a religious school).
The Mugrobi people are fluent in [ Estuan] as their primary language, though the spoken language of [[Mugrobi Lexicon| Mugrobi]] is still used in many cities and villages. It is a very lyrical and flowing language; the Mugrobi people carry over the poetic speech patterns into Estuan, giving them a unique way of speaking replete with metaphors and colorful descriptions.
Mugrobi culture is against interfering in the affairs of other countries; they are reluctant even to comment on the state of things in Anaxas, despite calling themselves the Kingdom's staunch ally. Even in the [[Politics| Symvouli]], Mugrobi politicians tend to be the quietest party during international decision-making. This non-invasive policy is contrary to their attitude in ancient times, when the galdori conquered the desert and seemed intent on building an empire, but this imperial attitude does not persist today. It isn't to say that national politics aren't a noisy ruckus because, indeed, they are, but it's simply part of the Mug culture to keep from intervening as much as possible.
For more information on Mugrobi Culture, feel free to visit the [[Culture]] section of the Compendium as well as explore the links below:
<div class="thorns-flex-container">
<div class="thorns-button2">[[Birth and Death in Mugroba| Birth, Death, & Funerals]]</div>
<div class="thorns-button2">[[Courtship & Marriage in Mugroba| Courting & Marriage]]</div>
<div class="thorns-button2">[[Genetics and Appearances| Genetics & Appearances]]</div>
<div class="thorns-button2">[[Gender and Sexuality in Mugroba| Gender & Sexuality]]</div>
<div class="thorns-button2">[[Names in Mugroba| Mugrobi Names]]</div>
<div class="thorns-button2">[[Worship in Mugroba| Religious Worship]]</div>
<div class="thorns-button2">[[Education in Mugroba| Education]]</div>
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The Mugrobi people are fluent in [[Estuan]] as their primary language, though the spoken language of Mugrobi is still used in many cities and villages. It is a very lyrical and flowing language; the Mugrobi people carry over the poetic speech patterns into Estuan, giving them a unique way of speaking replete with metaphors and colorful descriptions.
====Race Relations====
With a harsh climate and unforgiving landscape, Mugrobi society is unusually egalitarian: galdori are considered superior to the majority population, but the gap between rich and poor is comparatively smaller than that of Anaxas.
Religion is also important to the Mugrobi people, though they are less superstitious than the Anaxi. Their prime god, [[Hulali]], is mainly accepted as a metaphor for the prosperity in their lives. They live by the moral code that dictates that goodness done to others will become goodness received.
Humans, wicks and passives (known as [[Imbali|imbali]] in the Mugrobi language) are treated relatively well. Wicks, humans and imbali make up the majority of traders from that area, and can be quite wealthy and successful, as they are less hindered by their government than their neighbors to the south. While they are still considered "lower races" and have no political representation in the Mugrobi government yet, there are many who are hoping to one day have their voices heard by sheer economic force.
<div class="thorns-flex-container"><div class="thorns-button2">[[Race Relations in Mugroba| Race Relations]]</div>
<div class="thorns-button2">[[Imbali| Imbali Culture]]</div>  </div>
Mugrobi culture is against interfering in the affairs of other countries; they are reluctant even to comment on the state of things in Anaxas. This non-invasive policy is contrary to their attitude in ancient times, when the galdori conquered the desert and seemed intent on building an empire, but this imperial attitude does not persist today.
==Economics in Mugroba==
Mugroba was originally a nomadic land, before the rivers began to form, making river trade and permanent civilization possible. The values and traits of a nomadic society remain with the Mugrobi people, and the tradition of travel remains in practice with the river traders to this day. Trade is the main source of income for Mugroba, and as such, many Mugrobi people are artisans, crafting luxuries for other countries to enjoy. They take immense pride in their work. Not all Mugrobi craftsmanship is decorative; in Thul Ka, there are many schools where advanced technology is developed by the deft minds of Mugrobi engineers. Many of the great inventions of the twenty-seventh century were developed in Mugroba.
Mugroba was originally a nomadic land, before the rivers began to form, making river trade and permanent civilization possible. The values and traits of a nomadic society remain with the Mugrobi people, and the tradition of travel remains in practice with the river traders to this day. Trade is the main source of income for Mugroba, and as such, many Mugrobi people are artisans, crafting luxuries for other countries to enjoy. They take immense pride in their work. Not all Mugrobi craftsmanship is decorative; in Thul Ka, there are many schools where advanced technology is developed by the deft minds of Mugrobi engineers. Many of the great inventions of the twenty-seventh century were developed in Mugroba.
The Muluku Islands serve as the main hub of the spice trade with Anaxas. Apart from spices, Mugroba exports artisan wares, exotic fabrics such as silk, jewelry, books of fiction, and unlicensed spells. Mugroba also trades with many other kingdoms.
The Muluku Islands serve as the main hub of the spice trade with Anaxas. Apart from spices, Mugroba exports artisan wares, exotic fabrics such as silk, jewelry, books of fiction, and unlicensed spells. Mugroba also trades with many other kingdoms.
==International Relations==
==Politics in Mugroba==
===Mugroba and Anaxas===
The Kingdom of Mugroba's political system is slightly different from that of Anaxas: their monarchy is based on a family line rather than an elected King and Queen. The current Emperor, Un Fera, is but a boy at twelve years old and has been on the throne for three years, his mother, Queen Behta val-Dinah, having passed away after contracting the Plague during a humanitarian visit to Fen Kierden to assess the situation herself.  
Mugroba and Anaxas are very close, both in trade and in the friendliness that exists between the two kingdoms. Trade has only strengthened the bond between them. Several years ago, before Emperor Un Fera took the throne, his father [[Emperor Un Deduo]] and Anaxas' [[King Taelin]] were great friends. Many Mugrobi children go to Brunnhold to study magic, and some Anaxi children go to Thul'amat to study for part of their education.
Several years ago, the nomadic people of Mugroba were suffering from a mysterious plague of unknown origin. A good portion of the Anaxi army was sent to aid in relief efforts. Although the Mugrobi Plague has begun to taper off, several regiments of the army have stayed behind to keep an eye on the situation.
===Mugroba and other kingdoms===
While technically a monarcy under Emperor Un Fera, Mugroba as a whole would likely best be considered a merchant republic. Legally, the cities and towns and villages all answer to the imperial crown, they are all independent and autonomous unless called upon by the Emperor for a national emergency. This means that Thul Ka, the seat of the crown itself, is the most powerful and well-defended city in the nation. When the Symvouli of the Six Kingdoms, the Crown opens Thul Ka to its political visitors and the Emperor returns to more public residence in the Ashu'tei Palace built there for that reason.  
Mugroba's relationships with other kingdoms are generally genial, with most of the trade being done via the Muluku Islands. Hox, the isolationist country to the immediate north of Mugroba, has nothing to do with them, and their relationship of late is frosty but polite; there is some lingering resentment for Hox's refusal to give aid to Mugroba during the time of the plague.
Mugroba isn't quite an absolute monarchy, for while the Emperor of Mugroba wields a substantial amount of power, the every day tasks of law-making and jurisprudence are left to a mixed-party system that somewhat resembles a Congress, with individuals elected based on their wealth, influence, and so-called merit within the merchant and upper classes, jostling for position and representing a myriad of different political parties.
<div class="row">
<div class="columns large-6"><div class="thorns-button">[[Mugrobi Politics | Government & Law]]</div></div>
<div class="columns large-6"><div class="thorns-button">[[Organizations]]</div></div>
''See the [[:File:Map of the Headlands.jpg|map of the Headlands]].''
[[Category: Kingdom of Mugroba]]

Latest revision as of 10:30, 2 May 2020


Map of the Kingdom of Mugroba (click to enlarge).
Kingdom Overview
Capital Thul'ka
University Thul'Amat
Government Hereditary Monarchy, Merchant Republic
Rulers Emperor Un Fera and Congress
Climate Subtropical Desert
Estimated Land Mass 4,655,000 sq mi
Population 11.75 million
Race Distribution 65%H, 15%W, 16%G, 4%P
Racial Breakdown 7.6 mil humans; 1.75 mil wicks; 1.9 mil galdori; 470,000 passives
Kingdom Details
Currency Concord, Underworld Currency
Patron Diety Hulali
Languages Estuan, Tek, Mugrobi
Kingdom Information
Play Status OPEN for Play

The Kingdom of Mugroba is a prosperous and spiritual Kingdom, and, currently, also Anaxas' greatest ally. The Mugrobi people worship Hulali, the goddess of water, which they depend on for trade, transportation, farming, and life itself.

Sprawling to the northeast of Anaxas, directly south of Hox, Mugroba is comprised of a vast expanse of desert punctuated by several long, winding rivers which serve as highways for trade and travel; the largest and longest of these rivers is the Turga with the Duna and Yug being other important waterways. Other tributaries and smaller rivers flow to these, allowing for life in the desert. It is currently ruled by the youthful Emperor Un Fera, a boy of twelve. The prime god of Mugroba is Hulali, the River God. The capital city is Thul Ka, or the White City, home to the palace of Ashu'tei.

The adjectival and demonymic form of "Mugroba" is "Mugrobi". The word "Mug" is used in a non-pejorative way to describe a person from Mugroba or one of Mugrobi descent.

Mugrobi people are dark-skinned with white teeth and black or blue eyes (see Genetics and Appearances). Mugroba's population is mainly human, humanity making up around 85% of the total population. Wicks are a small percentage, maybe 5% total. Galdori and imbali (passives) make up a slightly larger portion of the population (around 10%), with many immigrating to Anaxas to attend school.

Climate & Topography

Mugroba is mostly an arid, subtropical desert with extremely hot days and very cold nights. Near the border with the Kingdom of Anaxas, there are swamps and wetlands, mineral floodplains and salt flats, but those quickly give way into scrublands with squat, sparse trees and finally sandy desert. Near the border with the Kingdom of Hox, dry plains become stepped grasslands that eventually climb into cold, windswept plateaus.

The Turga river cuts through the middle of the Kingdom and provides life to the desert, creating fertile valleys and cutting mysterious canyons along the way. Many smaller rivers wind their way through the harsh desert landscape, digging deep, ancient valleys and rushing through dry wadi. They form important and life-giving networks of travel, communication, farming, and trade. These rivers and waterways are Mugroba's most well-traveled and well-maintained roads. They are vital to life in the Kingdom for all races.

Foothills and squat mountain ranges jut up through parts of the desert, but for the most part, Mugroba is rolling open spaces dotted with an oasis here and there, the occasional tributary to the Turga, and long, baking stretches of sand.

Mugroba's islands, especially to the south, are very tropical and warm, but the Kingdom is so large that as the altitude climbs toward the north, the climate can be very cold.

The seasons are different in Mugroba than Anaxas, and while the rainy season is indeed very wet, often causing the rivers to overflow their banks to flood and mudslides in the mountains, other seasons see very little rain. Mugroba really only has four so-called seasons: cool, wet, hot, and hotter, with the coolest season of winter still quite sweltering in comparison to other Kingdoms such as Gior and Hox. Lightning storms and sandstorms whip through the desert during the hottest parts of the year, especially during the dry season.

For more information on the temperatures and seasons, please see Current Events and the Weather Almanac.


The terrain of Mugroba is harsh and unforgiving—many foreigners find it unbearable because of its arid heat in the daytime and dry chill in the night. The ergs are broken up by many winding rivers that carve paths through shifting sands, scrublands, low mountains, and treacherous salt flats from west coast all the way to east coast—cutting Mugroba in two—which serve as the only means of safe, reliable transportation as well as fertile areas where the rich spice trade is grown and raised. Without Hulali's gift of these waterways, desert life would be impossible.

Top Cities by Population

  • Thul’ka (Thul’amat) 55% = 6.5 million
  • Muluku Isles 18% = 2.1 million
  • Pa Krat 8% = 940,000
  • Demoga (Human Only) 15% =1.1 million

The rest of the Mugrobi population that doesn’t live in Thul’ka is mostly spread out along the rivers that crawl through the desert kingdom and along the coast, even as far north as the Mineral Flats near Anaxas’ Fen Kierden. Galdori have a few other cities and towns, but nothing compares to the splendor of the White City where the three rivers meet.

Specific Locations

The islands off of the Mugrobi coast, however, are covered with lush jungle, white sands, and beautiful people. The Muluku Islands are vital places of produce and trade for all of the Six Kingdoms.

Western Erg

Comprising of the western part of Mugroba along the coast of the Tincta Basta as well as the Quiet Sea, the Western Erg shares a border with the Kingdom of Anaxas via the Fen Kierden. Both the Turga River and the Yug River have their terminus in the Ticta Basta, spilling into the warm bay waters. The terrain of this Erg is fertile, home of many small fishing villages in the south and favorite fishing grounds of the wicks of Manaste who venture from the rivers to the sea with the flow of the seasons.

  • The Muluku Islands are an archipelago that contain the major trade ports of Mugroba and serves as the go-between for the spice trade throughout all of the Six Kingdoms, mostly through the Kingdom of Anaxas.
  • Manatse is a large floating wick encampment on the Turga river, in western Mugroba.
  • Demoga a large human town in western Mugroba
  • Holaga is a human town in mid-western Mugroba, famous for its natural golden phosphor mines.
  • Pa Krat is a small village near Fen Kierden on the border with the Kingdom of Anaxas.
  • Asha Morais a medium-sized fishing town in western Mugroba, badly affected by the Mugrobi Plague
  • The Mineral Flats are a long expanse of level ground stretching out from Fen Kierden, dotted with different mineral pools and long expanses of flat, salt-covered plains. When the Fen floods, its waters overflow into the Mineral Flats, creating a huge, temporary miasma of lakes and dangerous mud, only for it all to crust over again. This area also has geysers and deep, mysterious pools of liquid filled with strange concoctions.

Central Erg

The central part of the Kingdom extends north into the Quiet Sea and south into the Austan Ocean. It is the most vast and most uninhabited part of Mugroba, though nomadic desert tribes of humans and wicks wander the sand wastes while others make their homes in the dry, rocky valleys carved out by long-forgotten rivers. Bandits roam the windswept sands hunting for foolish travelers and the hulks of airships brought down by the sandstorms that often ripple through the dunes. Most life is concentrated around the rivers and small tributaries that have carved deep canyons in the northern part of the Central Erg. Dangerous creatures stalk the wastes as well, though few live to tell the tales of their sightings.

  • The Turga River extends from the west coast all the way to the east coast, effectively dividing Mugroba in the middle. This is the most fertile strip of the mostly dry, desert Kingdom, and many villages, farmlands, and floating collectives of wicks can be found on the river.
  • Serkaih is the valley of ghosts (phasmonia) located in Central Mugroba and home to a sprawling, miniature town carved out of beautiful multi-colored sandstone.
  • Paora Fo is a remote a desert village in Central Mugroba.
  • Hulali's Handprints are a chain of lakes in the far south of Central Mugroba known for their different mineral contents and strange colors. It is a sacred site to all races of Mugroba and many temple ruins and altars to Hulali can be found here.
  • Shifting Desert is a huge expanse of dangerous, windswept desert in north central Mugroba. Deadly creatures are said to roam the constantly shifting sands made up of brilliant colors and sandstorms frequently ravage the landscape, barreling south to occasionally reach as far as the great rivers and Thul'Ka itself.
    • The Deserted Dune is a place in the Mugrobi Expanse, a valley of windswept dunes littered with the bleached-white skeletons of the creatures that were unfortunate to be trapped in the sands at the bottom.

Eastern Erg

The most populous and important Erg of the Kingdom is the Eastern Erg, meeting point of the Turga, Yug, and Duna rivers and seat of power in the capital city of Thul Ka. The sprawling capital is home to the majority of Mugroba's population, especially most of the galdori and imbali. Trade, politics, and education are all centered in the Eastern Erg, and the Austan Ocean coast is home to a few wealthy fishing villages. To the far north, the desert gives way to scrubby grasslands and the topography begins to climb into the Steppes of the Kingdom of Hox.

  • Thul Ka is the capital city of Mugroba and heart and soul of the spice trade. It is located in Eastern Mugroba at the meeting of the three main rivers that supply the Mugrobi drylands with its most fertile and necessary resource.
  • Unlike many other Kingdoms, the galdori bastion of sorcerous education, Thul'amat is located in the capital itself and has become an integral part of the sprawling city and culture.
  • Redomseko Dailotoma is translated as "the village that is smaller than its name", this famous tourist attraction is similar to Muffey in that it is a center of fashionable galdori, two miles northwest of Thul Ka.
  • Pa Olakano is a small fishing village in eastern Mugroba, on the coast.
  • Isla Kura is a mysterious and legendary island lost in the mist to the southeast of Mugroba.
  • The Wakesho Steppes are the low, grassy plains that make up the northeastern border of Mugroba and the Kingdom of Hox. Tall grasses, abundant wildlife, and tribal wicks roam this remote area that is almost entirely untouched by galdori authority. The altitude climbs via a series of plateaus as one approaches Hox until it becomes cold, windswept heights.


Mugrobi people are mostly unflinchingly moral. Lying is considered incredibly damning, so many Mugrobi think of ways around a lie, often by obscuring the truth with metaphor or invented parables or hiring someone to lie for them (usually an Imbali. A backhanded insult is sometimes called a "Mug compliment" in other countries, including Anaxas.

Intelligence and the pursuit of knowledge are of infinite importance not only to Mugrobi galdori, but also to the humans and wicks. Mugrobi humans and wicks are allowed to read and write, and the literacy rate is quite high. Keeping diaries, collections of poems and memoirs is a common activity among Mugrobi citizens; letter-writing, although an imperfect pastime given the unreliable nature of the post, is also very common. Many Mugrobi galdori have "quill friends" that they correspond with in Anaxas or Hox.

The Mugrobi people are fluent in Estuan as their primary language, though the spoken language of Mugrobi is still used in many cities and villages. It is a very lyrical and flowing language; the Mugrobi people carry over the poetic speech patterns into Estuan, giving them a unique way of speaking replete with metaphors and colorful descriptions.

Mugrobi culture is against interfering in the affairs of other countries; they are reluctant even to comment on the state of things in Anaxas, despite calling themselves the Kingdom's staunch ally. Even in the Symvouli, Mugrobi politicians tend to be the quietest party during international decision-making. This non-invasive policy is contrary to their attitude in ancient times, when the galdori conquered the desert and seemed intent on building an empire, but this imperial attitude does not persist today. It isn't to say that national politics aren't a noisy ruckus because, indeed, they are, but it's simply part of the Mug culture to keep from intervening as much as possible.

For more information on Mugrobi Culture, feel free to visit the Culture section of the Compendium as well as explore the links below:

Race Relations

With a harsh climate and unforgiving landscape, Mugrobi society is unusually egalitarian: galdori are considered superior to the majority population, but the gap between rich and poor is comparatively smaller than that of Anaxas.

Humans, wicks and passives (known as imbali in the Mugrobi language) are treated relatively well. Wicks, humans and imbali make up the majority of traders from that area, and can be quite wealthy and successful, as they are less hindered by their government than their neighbors to the south. While they are still considered "lower races" and have no political representation in the Mugrobi government yet, there are many who are hoping to one day have their voices heard by sheer economic force.

Economics in Mugroba

Mugroba was originally a nomadic land, before the rivers began to form, making river trade and permanent civilization possible. The values and traits of a nomadic society remain with the Mugrobi people, and the tradition of travel remains in practice with the river traders to this day. Trade is the main source of income for Mugroba, and as such, many Mugrobi people are artisans, crafting luxuries for other countries to enjoy. They take immense pride in their work. Not all Mugrobi craftsmanship is decorative; in Thul Ka, there are many schools where advanced technology is developed by the deft minds of Mugrobi engineers. Many of the great inventions of the twenty-seventh century were developed in Mugroba.

The Muluku Islands serve as the main hub of the spice trade with Anaxas. Apart from spices, Mugroba exports artisan wares, exotic fabrics such as silk, jewelry, books of fiction, and unlicensed spells. Mugroba also trades with many other kingdoms.

Politics in Mugroba

The Kingdom of Mugroba's political system is slightly different from that of Anaxas: their monarchy is based on a family line rather than an elected King and Queen. The current Emperor, Un Fera, is but a boy at twelve years old and has been on the throne for three years, his mother, Queen Behta val-Dinah, having passed away after contracting the Plague during a humanitarian visit to Fen Kierden to assess the situation herself.

While technically a monarcy under Emperor Un Fera, Mugroba as a whole would likely best be considered a merchant republic. Legally, the cities and towns and villages all answer to the imperial crown, they are all independent and autonomous unless called upon by the Emperor for a national emergency. This means that Thul Ka, the seat of the crown itself, is the most powerful and well-defended city in the nation. When the Symvouli of the Six Kingdoms, the Crown opens Thul Ka to its political visitors and the Emperor returns to more public residence in the Ashu'tei Palace built there for that reason.

Mugroba isn't quite an absolute monarchy, for while the Emperor of Mugroba wields a substantial amount of power, the every day tasks of law-making and jurisprudence are left to a mixed-party system that somewhat resembles a Congress, with individuals elected based on their wealth, influence, and so-called merit within the merchant and upper classes, jostling for position and representing a myriad of different political parties.