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The galdori (singular: galdor) are a race of sorcerers, the primary political power in most of Vita. They consider themselves to be a different species than humans, although biologically speaking they are very similar. They rule over the humans and other non-galdori people by self-proclaimed divine right.

The galdori have the ability to control the Mona, and therefore wield substantial magical power. This power is innate within them, though they must learn how to control the Mona through the language Monite.

Physical Description

Galdori are a race of sorcerers, whose use of the Mona and their relationship with magic has caused them to develop qualities that make them less prone to work and physicality.

Aside from this, there are some regional differences between the galdori spread throughout the remaining Six Kingdoms and elsewhere in Vita that can be read about in Genetics and Appearances.


Being the dominant race, galdori culture is naturally aristocratic. Galdori tend to be relatively self-centered, and do not see this trait as a negative, but rather equate self-focus with empowerment. Most galdori use their afforded privilege to study things that interest them without worrying about those around them. Many are self-appointed explorers, researchers or adventurers for hire. Money is of little concern to the galdori, though they are all quite wealthy, and show off their status with lavish clothing and style.

Galdori society is preoccupied with the acquisition of knowledge. To be intelligent and well-read is considered a prerequisite for self-satisfaction and success in life. Across all Six Kingdoms, galdori learn the arts of magic and science, and most go on to become very important: in Anaxas, it can be said that the government tries its best to give all of their galdori inhabitants cushy jobs, but there are always a few who simply take their earnings and seek their own fortune. Because of their extensive knowledge of the world, some galdori become jaded and bored, turning to cynicism in place of wide-eyed wonder.

In Anaxi galdori culture especially, knowledge and understanding of time is incredibly important. A galdor is painfully aware of wasted moments, and their own mortality. Though the galdori notion of history is a revisionist one, they consider learning from one's mistakes to be crucial. Galdori are often poignantly self-aware and reflective.

Manners are of great importance to the galdori. A grave insult is quite easy to make among the upper echelons of society, and a single wrong move can plummet someone down the social ladder. Children are heavily disciplined in manners from an early age. This emphasis on manners stems from a cultural desire to be perfect.

Most galdori are religious; they consider magic, science and religion to be one single discipline in three parts. Mass is a regular part of a galdor's day and factors in most of their holidays. Unlike many humans (and some wicks), galdori do not use religion as a crutch, or expect the gods to attend to their affairs. Prayer is usually a vehicle for praise, and a safeguard against bad luck or magic, rather than a plea for help. (This could have something to do with the fact that galdori do not, in most cases, need anything from the gods.)

Altruism and generosity are extremely valuable character traits to galdori. Because money is not of great importance to them, they tend to give it away to charity causes and often champion causes themselves. A galdor's social circle is quite strong, and most galdori would go to great lengths to help out a friend.

Dominance over "Lesser" Races

The galdori have long held a position of political power over the so-called "lower races", encompassing wicks and humans as well as passives of both races. They consider this position to be the only logical choice, ordained by the gods for the benefit of all. Their view of the lower races stems from centuries upon centuries of magical superiority, but also from the long-held belief that galdori were chosen by the gods to protect the humans and bring them into civilization.

They see humans as misguided children, ones who need to be corralled and looked after for their own good. Wicks, as the byproduct of galdori/human unions, are seen as a disruptive force to this balance as well as defilers of the sacred art of magic; because of this, galdori view them with contempt and do not accept them as a valid part of society. Passives are the part of the puzzle that doesn't quite fit, and the galdori mainly deal with them by locking them out of sight.

Fraternization with the lower races has long been the subject of internal conflict for galdori. Most galdori see any kind of relationship with a human, wick or passive to be immoral; in the case of a passive, it is considered extremely immoral.

Galdori Youth

The younger galdori (age 10-20) have their own separate culture from the adults, as almost all galdor children are sent away to their Kingdom's University for those ten formative years for their formal education. While elementary education is given to almost all galdor children in the home before their Coming of Age Test at the age of ten, the insular culture of a boarding school-like atmosphere produces a unique experience for young galdori. They too are obsessed with the acquisition of knowledge, though for many younger galdori it is more a matter of social status. The "coolest" galdori teens are the smartest, and social gatherings often take place over study groups or even mock duels.

Rebellion tends to occur along those same lines. Galdori children often go through a stage where they want to assert their independence and ability, and show off with duels and feats of magical strength. A galdori child might pursue many unhealthy paths to adulthood, often damaging their relationship with the mona in the process before ultimately repairing it and making peace with themselves. This is something that most galdori teenagers go through, but they usually think that they're the only ones who have ever experienced such a thing.

Some galdori teenagers go through a period of religious doubt; this is discouraged by adults, but it is one of the only ways a galdori youth can rebel against their society.


Unlike humans, galdori tend to get married later in life and have fewer children. Marriage generally happens in the mid-twenties to early thirties. Marriages of convenience do occur, but they are rarer in these modern times, and most marriages do not involve parental intervention. Betrothals are even more rare and might be considered crass.


The ability to do magic is a genetic trait that diminishes when a galdor breeds with a human. Offspring from any such relationship are rejected from both societies and must live life on the fringes of civilization, or among other such people (see wick). Interbreeding is outlawed and extremely discouraged, as it weakens the magical strain.

Nonmagical offspring from two galdori parents are rare (see passive); two humans cannot have a magical child. If a child has even a drop of non-galdori blood, it will be likely rejected and forced to live outside galdori society.

Playing a Galdor

See Playing a Galdor for important tips on how to approach playing a galdor.