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Revision as of 08:18, 2 April 2018

Main article: Vienda

The Rookwen Graveyard was the site of a massacre that took place in 2705, and marked the beginning of the human resistance. It is not in use today. (See Claude Oreau.)


As you enter through the ivy-covered iron gate, you see masses of broken graves strewn all throughout the clearing. The edges of the granite and marble debris are slightly worn down, partially buried in the earth and covered with vines. Rough, half-busted statues of spirits and animals still stand in some places, their stony faces half-chipped away and covered in old scorch marks. In the center of the yard, beneath a twisted yew, a rose marble statue depicting an avatar of the goddess Alioe holds out her left hand in a plaintive way; her right appears to have broken off. You can barely make out the names on the graves that are still standing, so covered are they in black marks and deep gashes.

It is clear that there was a great struggle here. The graveyard seems deserted, but the air is strangely alive - you may hear faint whispers or creaking coming from nowhere in particular.