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Revision as of 20:48, 29 March 2018

Vitan mythology includes several mythic beasts. They are not part of the Circle Pantheon, but in certain cultures are worshipped alongside the gods as demigods.

Despite their name and purported supernatural qualities, mythic beasts actually exist. In fact, there are a number of them living in Anaxas. They are mysterious, and their language cannot be understood unless the beasts wish to speak directly to a person (which is extremely rare). Their fearsome appearance belies their true nature, as they are peaceful among each other - a mythic beast will never harm another mythic beast. For the most part, they will not harm mankind either; hatchers are the exception.

All mythic beasts have a deep and instinctual relationship with the mona, and wield a wild, untamed magic of their own.

Of the mythic beasts, only hatchers have ever been seen in groups. All other mythic beasts are assumed to live solitary lives. There are some rumors that there are in fact only one of each, rather than an entire species.


Long, lean and lithe, hatchers are feared worldwide. Their name comes from the ancient term Ha'tcheth, rarely used by anyone outside of Anhau. They are known to kill galdori and other races who come across them. They operate on a hivemind, or collective consciousness.

Hatchers emit a mist that shrouds them entirely, often covering miles and miles of terrain, and move in large groups. The mist they exude cancels magical will, making it impossible to cast. They are the ultimate killing machines - swift and silent, with fine-tuned senses, sharp teeth and claws, and a rapid reflexes. It is said to be impossible to kill a hatcher, and few have tried.

This is an approximation of what hatchers look like; an accurate picture is impossible, as they have never been seen properly by anyone, or at least no one who has gotten a really good look has lived to describe them.



Aerra is an enormous, flighted birdlike creature, known as the most mysterious of the mythic beasts. It lives deep in forests and does not communicate with people of any race. In myths, Aerra would sometimes communicate with lost children, aiding them in some way, but this has not occurred in recent memory. The scientific community has been most interested in Aerra, and many expeditions seek to discover it in its natural habitat, but these attempts have proven fruitless. Aerra is never seen unless it wishes to be seen.

This is a visual approximation of what Aerra might look like. As it has not been sighted in some time, this is not an entirely accurate image.



Vradire is a saurian, similar in size to the Aerra. It typically lives in mountainous terrain, but can also be seen occasionally in forests. Like the Aerra, it is uncommunicative with people.



Bambusi is a tall yak-like creature that resemble brachiosaurs. It is a kind and gentle animal who inhabits the mountains of Hox. The Bambusi has a special relationship with the humans of Hox, sometimes allowing them to view it or even approach it.



Dapao is an enormous water tiger that inhabits the ocean and will come on land to live in lakes as it sees fit. It is ancient and wise, and is among the only mythic beasts to ever communicate with humanoid races. When it speaks, it often warns of danger; it seems to have innate understanding of the human condition and an uncannily up-to-date knowledge about the goings-on of the human world. It is bluish in color, with piercingly white eyes, and long fur.



Fjarnegoth is a scaled, aquatic beast, somewhat doglike in the face, with a long, lithe body. It has a distinguishing mane and tail of white hair. Fjarnegoth lives in the ice to the north, in regions where no man has visited in many millennia; it is only spoken of in tales of Roannah, sometimes given the ancient name of Roth. In stories, it is said to be the kindest and gentlest of the mythic beasts, but fiercely protective of its sacred land and the people it protects.
