
Risks of Magic

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After Effects, Run-offs, and Side Effects of Magic

Side effects of a spell depend on the proximity of the bystander and the type of spell being cast. Each spell has a unique "feel" for both the caster and those in close proximity to the caster; the feel often varies from caster to caster.

The most common side effects of simple magic is a tightening of the throat, an odd taste in the mouth, ringing in the ears, light-headedness, elation, dizziness, nausea or headache. Often the side effect will be a change in the quality of the air; various sensations include a "greasiness," thinness or thickness of the atmosphere, or a change in temperature. More complicated side effects follow more complicated spells. An extremely complex spell might cause the caster and bystanders to experience a vast range of emotional fluctuations or even fall unconscious.

One can often tell what sort of spell is being cast by the side effect.

Some spells always have a run-off or after-effect which is usually a smell, a sensation, a sound, or other identification experience that not only the caster experiences, but those around the caster (targets, bystanders) may experience as well. Sometimes, the Mona lets their will be known by these side effects, pressing their objection to further casting or hinting at their apparent displeasure with sensations of pain and discomfort, foul odors, and bad tastes. This is usually a pre-warning to a larger backlash should the caster not take a hint.

In every type of magic there are certain risks involved. The most common risk is that the spell will simply not work; the mona may not be pleased with the caster, and saying the "magic words" will have no effect. Sometimes, when the mona are very unhappy with the caster, a spell can take a turn for the worse. This can have deadly consequences.


To brail a spell (or stop it mid-cast) is always dangerous and the practice is heavily discouraged for all but the most experienced casters. A brail occurs either when a caster purposefully stops their spell while in the middle of speaking the Monite phrases for it or they are interrupted by the actions of a third party while doing so (being attacked, tripping and falling, etc. etc.).

A brail can also occur when someone has a stutter or other communication problem, which is often why those with disabilities and speech impediments are discouraged from casting at all.

The most severe forms of backlash occur as the result of a poorly-performed brail, ranging from unconsciousness to physical injury or death. A brail-caused backlash can affect those in the immediate vicinity of the caster as well.


Backlash is the term for when a spell (or, more accurately, the mona itself) turns on the caster. All spells run the risk of backlash, though simpler spells are far less likely to backfire than complex ones, and far less deadly. Special care must be taken to read these spells accurately to avoid self-imposed backlash, and special care must be taken to maintain a healthy relationship with the mona to avoid monic will-imposed backlash.

Massive psychological and physical damage can be avoided by following precautions. Different spells have different backlash; while misfiring Static spells might have physical ramifications, Living spells will cause physiological problems, and Perceptive spells might cause mental trauma. Side effects can also be deadly, especially when attempting a difficult spell that requires multiple speakers. For this reason, many people stay far away from galdori who are attempting difficult spells!


Another risk is magical addiction, a malady that affects a small percentage of galdori (and, rarely, wicks). It is possible to become addicted to the act of casting spells, in a sort of psychological dependency.

The results of addiction vary from person to person, but in almost all legitimate cases of magical addiction, the caster becomes unpredictable and mentally unstable as the constant communication with the mona begin to eat away at his or her sanity. The magical ability of the caster may begin to diminish as the mona "lose faith," or they might suffer a damaging loss of control. For this reason, people who are addicted to spellcasting are often dangerous to those around them, liable to suffer backlash or terrible physical side effects from even the simplest spells. An extreme end result would be a total loss of magical ability.