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How does magic work?

A spell, which is written in the mona-specific language known as Monite, is a politely phrased request in its natural form. It explains what needs to be done and entreats the mona to comply. In this way, spells are very similar to prayers. More detailed information is available on the magic page. If you intend to use magic at all it is imperative that you read the magic sections.

What spells are available?

There are many types of magic that can be used: Living, Static, Physical, Perceptional, Quantative, and Scrying. The Spell Directory has spells listed under each of these categories, in 3 levels that represent Beginner, Intermediate and Advanced magic. The Spoke's Almanac lists wick spells.

Why can't I cast this Advanced "Blow Everything Up"?

Advanced spells are extremely powerful. No player character is allowed to begin the game at the Advanced level of skill - you must prove yourself to the moderators before you will be allowed to handle the most powerful spells.

Can I invent a spell for my character to use?

Yes! You need to come up with a proposal for what the spell will do (and a name, if you desire), and send it in a PM or email to any one of the moderators or administrators. They will review the spell to see if it is possible given the current limitations of magic, decide which branch of magic it belongs in, and decide what spell level it belongs under.

If your spell was not approved, the moderator will tell you why; if it needs tweaking, you can submit it again.

Once a spell is approved, it goes into the Spell Directory. This mimics the process that "real" spells go through in the story.

Why are there limitations to magic?

In the current time period of Thorns, magic is an imperfect art. Long ago, the technique was stolen from mythic beasts, and galdori are still trying to hone their ability to perfection through selective breeding and constant searching for knowledge and improvements.

For this reason, magic has several limitations that are not able to be overcome by individual characters, no matter how brilliant and talented they are. These keep the magic in the game in check and ensure that no one gets overpowered.

OW! My spell backfired on me! Why?

Maybe your character was not old enough to use the spell. It might have been too difficult for them. Or perhaps your character was rushed, or nervous, and made a mistake reciting the spell. Perhaps you were casting too many spells and the mod wanted to slow you down a little. Whatever the reason, if you ask the mod, they will let you know. Sometimes a backfiring spell can be a great plot device, so don't get too upset!

What kind of magical energy can I use?

There is no such thing as "magical energy." The only energy expended in magic is your character's will. Magical talent comes from a genetic predisposition, and comes naturally to anyone with the ability.

Mona are both matter and energy in this world. They are the force that makes everything happen. A galdor merely has the ability to speak their language in a way that they will understand.

Wait - if magic is just a language, why can't my human learn it?

It is not simply a language. Although the language and grammar of Monite are critical to magic, the practical application of magic is based in an innate communication ability. If the magical gene is not present in a character, they will not be able to do magic even if they recite spells until their ears turn blue.

Can I summon the dead/turn into a vampire/suck out someone's soul?

In short, no.

There is no way to summon the "dead" because the dead become ghosts who are reborn after a period of waiting. Bodies and other remains cannot move by themselves or be reanimated, and ghosts (who are often solid, by the way) cannot be controlled at all. There is a way to move inanimate objects (called "Push") but the bodies would have to be controlled completely by the galdor, and the spell would be rather difficult. In this author's opinion, it's much easier to just get some friends!

Vampires, werewolves and things of that nature do not exist in this game. There are plenty of myths that deal with terrifying creatures - see the Religion section for more information. As for real magical beings, there are ghosts and mythic beasts, also discussed in the religion section.

Are the gods real?

That is left up to personal interpretation.

How is magic linked with science?

The process by which new spells are invented is identical to the scientific process. The mona, too, are measurable and real. Magic is considered a scientific pursuit, and not at all mystical.

If seeing the future is impossible, why do wicks claim they can read palms and tell fortunes?

Wicks often take advantage of the human population's ignorance of magic by portraying it as mystical and mysterious. Humans, traditionally, see magic as the territory of mythic beasts and gods; they do not often understand how it works, and are afraid of the galdori. A more "mystical" approach is usually what humans expect.

There is a certain degree of showmanship about wick magic. It is intended to impress, and humans will gladly pay for a spectacle even if they are doubtful about its veracity or reliability. Compare this behavior to the population of Earth, which often will shell out money to get their palms read even though they know they are being lied to.

Are there "Dark Arts"?

Science is neutral in nature, but that does not mean it cannot sway towards good or towards evil. There are a few spells that might be seen as "evil", such as spells that harm others, destroy things, or control the mind.

The galdori have laws governing the use of magic, especially mind control, and they attempt to monitor it. If a galdor breaks the law, and is caught, they are punished for it. That does not mean that so-called "dark" magic is not used. There are a few galdori who live outside the law.

Do demons exist in this game? Can my character be possessed by a demon or other magical being?

Demons do not exist in-game. There is some speculation on the existence of spirits among the galdori, and in the past galdori have claimed to be possessed by particular spirits such as Greed and Lust. In the general population, however, these people are considered to be phonies.

Often, "possession" is just the result of mind control by another galdor. Keep in mind that it is much more difficult for a galdor to be mind-controlled than a human or wick.

There are however the Raen, who don't just possess the individual, but take over and destroy what was that persons 'soul'.

I have a galdor character. What if I don't want them to do magic at all?

A galdor can choose not to practice magic. Most galdori are automatically enrolled in Brunnhold at the age of ten, but this is not always true; if a galdor does not wish to learn magic, they will be pressured to do so, but not forced.

Can I make a galdor who didn't attend Brunnhold?

Yes. Some galdori do not attend the University, and are trained at home with their parents, or, if orphaned (and not taken in by the state for some reason), not at all. Some attend a different school in another kingdom. Keep in mind that all magic is taught, and if your galdor does not attend school or seek alternative instruction, he will not know magic by default.

Why can't I control my passive character's magic spell? Don't you trust me?

The point of the passive's ability is that it is uncontrollable, left up to the fates (or, in this case, the mods). Passives do not even know what their ability is until they unleash it by accident. It is usually a very powerful spell, and we want to be able to regulate when and where it goes off. (Besides, a little risk makes the game more fun.)

Can I learn to control my passive's ability?

No, not yet.

Can I use other spellings of magic, such as "magick?"

We prefer you don't, for continuity's sake.

Does galdor mean sorcerer? Is it from Lord of the Rings?

The word "galdor" stems from the Norse term galdr, which means spell or incantation. I based the idea of structured spell verse on the Norse concept of lyrical spells.

The most accurate word to use, aside from galdor, is "sorcerer." Mages, wizards, magicians, etc. are not quite the same thing. The exception is the word "seer," which is more a profession than a name for a person and is used to describe galdori who use scrying methods.

We not take the word from Lord of the Rings - as we understand it, Tolkien has a lot of Norse influences, and may also use the word.

What does "witch" mean in the game's context?

The word "witch" is used to describe a female wick.

Wicks aren't as powerful - do you mean they can't do any published spells?

Wicks can theoretically do Elementary-level spells, but their power is severely limited. They do not learn magic in the structured environment of Brunnhold, so their knowledge will be scattered and sparse. There is a collection of unofficial spells that wicks use, known as the Spoke's Almanac, that your character can learn from.

What is a "field" and how does it work?

A field is a resonance around a magically talented being. It reflects the ability of the galdor or wick. Galdori and certain wicks have the ability to "read" the fields of others, to find out how powerful they are; humans can often sense fields, but only experience a mild side effect. They cannot draw any information from it.

A field can also be used to find out what spells a galdor has cast in the past, as all spells leave a resonant signature.

Why can't I have a magical object?

The effects of spells generally wear off whenever their caster stops focusing to maintain the spell, and as a general rule any objects artificially imbued with a trait will lose the trait as soon as the spell is broken.

The exception to this is an Everspell, which theoretically lasts forever; since Everspells take a LOT of time and effort to cast (not to mention hundreds of galdori speaking in chorus), it is highly unlikely that they would be cast to instill an object with a magical property - we're talking legendary stuff like the Sword of Camelot or something - and it is even more unlikely that your character would come across such an object. To keep things simple, the rule of thumb is no magic objects.

The exception, of course, is a seer stone, which is a type of lodestone that allows the bearer to speak to another bearer; these stones are available to the galdori from the beginning of the game, but may be passed through roleplay to other players. They require a spell to use, so magic users only, please! These items are not magical on their own, but have a scientific property that allows the molecules in one lodestone to commune with molecules in another.

Can I have a wick that is more powerful than other wicks because they have more galdori blood in them?

Short answer, no. Long answer, yes but the increased aptitude does not mean automatically increased magical ability. The magical gene does work in degrees, but simply because your character has the potential to learn galdor spells does not mean they will be allowed to. Wicks are only allowed spells from the Spoke's Almanac. If, through certain roleplay circumstances, your wick comes in contact with a galdor who teaches them galdori spells, they will be allowed to learn them, but only up to the Elementary level. Pure galdor blood is necessary for reaching any higher levels of magic.

Can I invent a spell that rips open a new dimension/creates a portal/destroys the world/etc?

If you look at the Spell Directory you will clearly see the type of magic used in this game. Many games allow the average pedestrian to manipulate space and time after just a few simple lessons. This is not one of those games.

Can my character begin the game knowing his true name?

If you're making your character that already knows their true name, make it believable, please! Most galdori under the age of 40 don't have nearly the stamina required for the spiritual journey involved. Knowing one's true name is a powerful experience and may change your character's personality in an extreme way.

Can my galdor pose as a human/human pose as a galdor/wick pose as a human/wick pose as a galdor?

No. His field, or lack thereof, would give him away instantly to anyone who came near. Also, there tend to be genetic differences between the races. It is quite simple to tell a galdor from a human even without the field.

It is possible to suppress a field, which can allow for some stealth provided you are not visibly noticable (eg: wear a disguise), however this can only be done for short periods of time.

Why are there "noble uses of magic"? Can galdori use magic for useful things, like lighting fires?

Noble uses are self-imposed rules of conduct that the galdori have developed over the years. The noble uses state that magic may only be used for three purposes: conquest, acquisition of knowledge and glorification of the gods. A large amount of what magic is used for can be justified under these rules.

Occasionally, galdori will use small, simple spells to achieve simple things in their lives, but this is rarer than you might think. For one, it takes an enormous amount of energy to cast spells, and often it's easier to do things the old-fashioned way. Galdori also do not want to damage their relationship with the mona, who hold them to a high standard of ethics.

The fourth, unofficial noble use of magic is "helping others," and in recent years that has become significantly more acceptable in society. In an emergency, it is acceptable to help someone with the use of a spell. For example, healers commonly use magic to help the sick or injured, and magic can be used to douse fires or stop someone from falling to their death.

Why is it that a wick can get away with using base magic and a galdor cannot?

A galdor could get away with it once in a while, but most would not try. It is against the galdori mindset, against everything they've been taught. Besides, most galdori rely on their magic and use it far more often than a wick would; few galdori would risk upsetting the mona just to use their magic to light a fire. However, most galdori do break the taboo at least once in their lives.

Scientifically speaking, wick magic is far simpler than galdori magic, even at its most advanced. The mona are pickier at higher levels of magic. The more advanced the magic gets, the more the mona hold the caster to the noble uses.

Are the mona just atoms?

Sort of, yes. The mona are atoms, if atoms could change themselves at will, make group decisions and understand language.

Can my character use a magic wand or staff?

They could try, but it wouldn't do them any good. Magic comes from the body, not objects. Most galdori cast directed spells through their hands, mouth or feet (in certain cultures).

At which stages of life will a galdor learn the Advanced level of magic, or his true name? Is it normal to master magic in this way?

Most galdori never get beyond what they learn in school. Simply put, magic is more of a cultural thing for many galdori; the pursuit of knowledge is important, yes, but most go into work where magic is not a necessity. During a student's formative years, Brunnhold teaches Elementary magic and the higher-level classes begin to brush the surface of Intermediate magic.

Some adults begin to study Intermediate magic on their own steam; some return to Brunnhold to work on a doctorate thesis, or study further to become instructors. Many take up apprenticeships under Magisters or advanced professors. Most galdori do not go this far; this is only for those who want to go into an area of magic for their profession, whether it be professorship, science, Quantitative study, theory, or advanced magical defense.

At some point during a galdor's adulthood, after Intermediate has been fully mastered, Advanced can be learned, usually from a master. Most galdori are content with Intermediate magic; only the extremely dedicated bother to scale that particular mountain of scholarship. Advanced spells take many years of study, even for the most intelligent galdori. It is not at all normal to meet a galdor who has mastered the Advanced level outside of the University.

Learning one's true name is a pursuit that a galdor may choose to undertake after they have mastered Advanced magic. The process is different for each galdor, and is extremely personal. It is uncouth to even question another galdor about his true name journey unless he has chosen to speak about it. In truth, though it is referred to as a ritual, there is nothing standardized about it; it usually involves long meditation and months and months without contact with others. Sometimes galdori try for decades to learn their true name, though sometimes it comes quicker. Often, galdori who seek their true name go off on a trip by themselves.

Once the true name is learned, a galdor's magic becomes more powerful than ever. Their relationship with the mona is solidified, and they may cast spells without speaking, so strong is their connection with them.

Are the magical Levels spoken about in the actual world of Vita, or are they just wiki categorization terms?

In the canon world of Vita, "levels" are very rarely spoken about. There is no clear break between skill like there is in our wiki. Most professors at Brunnhold would have no idea what you were talking about if you were to mention levels.

However, some students have coined the terms as a sort of modern slang, referring to the three main divides between skill. They class certain spells as level 1, 2, and 3 based on how difficult they are. This is mainly a youth thing, and most older galdori wouldn't understand.