
Ku Ossa

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Ku Ossa is a yearly celebration of life, love and fertility. In Thul Ka, Mugroba, it is celebrated by the largest party of the year. The entire city becomes consumed by the preparation for the festival, and on the day of Ku Ossa the White City is filled with light and music.

Traditional celebrations of Ku Ossa always include handfasting ceremonies. Though the ancient law forbidding marriage on the other 299 days of the year has been struck down, many Mugrobi couples choose to marry on Ku Ossa. Arranged marriages, though rare in this day and age, are usually schedules for the day as well. In the center of the city, priestesses of Hulali perform the ritual marriage ceremony for hundreds of new couples.

Apart from marriage, ritual dances are also a part of Ku Ossa. Many young lovers meet their soulmates during the group dances, which are intricately choreographed and very beautiful to witness. Unmarried Mugrobi women often spend most of the year designing a special outfit for Ku Ossa in order to attract a husband.

Babies born on Ku Ossa are said to be especially lucky, and lead happy lives.