
Day of Union

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The Mugrobi Day of Union is the anniversary of the day that the War for Unification ended and all human tribes were united under galdori rule. For galdori, this day is of special significance, because it represents the beginning of Mugroba's magical renaissance; for humans and wicks, the day is bittersweet (or perhaps just bitter).

Strings of lanterns are hung from the Palace walls to points all around the city, symbolically connecting the royal family with the rest of Mugroba, and a festival takes place in the center of the city. Though many humans do not want to celebrate this holiday, they are encouraged to by the government, which hands out money and other gifts in the city square to all attending.

The Emperor of Mugroba addresses his people at the celebration. The rest of the night is filled with dancing, storytelling and contemplation. It is not a somber ceremony, but many feel it is a time for thoughtfulness and reflection.