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Latest revision as of 07:37, 2 April 2018

The Field of Practical Application (often called the Lawn) is an expansive field where galdori instructors give lessons to students. It is also used as a convenient installation spot for spell-circles, constructs, and other casting aides. The Lawn is located on the west side of the Outer Crescent. Because dangerous and experimental spells experience their trial and frequent error on the Lawn, many students avoid it entirely, preferring the safety of the well-monitored Cloister.


Pock-marked with scorch burns and deserted chalk outlines of spell-circles, the Field of Practical Application looks as though it has seen better days - although those days must have been few and long ago. Hardly any grass grows there, but where it does, it is wild and unkempt, providing a striking contrast to the well-manicured lawn of the rest of the campus. Magical fallout has rendered the air permanently chilly.

The Lawn, as it's called, is one of the oldest sites at Brunnhold, having provided many centuries of galdori a relatively safe area to practice their most dangerous spells. It is littered with the remnants of experimentation. In the center of the field, a large stone monolith sticks at an angle out of the barren earth, carved with strange runes and what looks like the grinning face of a dragon.

Near the edge of the Lawn (which is bordered with an ancient stone wall, barely three feet high and covered with moss) there is a sign, warning students to "Keepe Ye Off The Grasse."