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Revision as of 05:36, 31 March 2018

Getting Started

Hi there, stranger! Welcome to Thorns: Uprising!

As you may already know, Thorns is a play-by-post forum RPG with an emphasis on creative writing, story and character development, and community. And as you can probably see from the amount of links on the side bar, there is a LOT of information in this wiki.

But fear not! We have created this handy little guide for starting out in the game. You must read these pages. They are very important, otherwise we wouldn't put them here.

  • About the Game is an introduction to the game's story.
  • What Is An RPG? is a good page to read if you've never played an RPG before (you do not need to read this if you have).
  • Introduction will give you the bare minimum information you need to make a character. It talks about the different races, locations and major plotlines of the game, and will allow you to make a good choice about what kind of character you want to play. However, this alone is not enough information to make your character, so you're responsible for doing your own research once you've decided what to make. There are lots of links here to pages that will help you with whatever you decide, so don't be stingy about clicking them!
  • Rules for Character Creation are basic rules you must abide by when creating a character.
  • Character Creation Guide is a guide to creating your first character sheet. It will explain the different parts of a sheet, as well as tips for what will make a good sheet.
  • Forum Registration will tell you how to register on the forums.
  • Submitting Your Character will tell you how to submit your character sheet to the forum.
  • Rules for Play is a general guide to the rules of the game.
  • Roleplay Etiquette is a good page to read if this is your first time roleplaying on a play-by-post game. It's also a good guide to what is and is not acceptable on this particular game. If you're a veteran roleplayer, you'll probably understand the social mechanics of roleplay already, but it never hurts to brush up.

This is the bare minimum; feel free to read as much of the wiki as you want to. If you look to your left, you will see a sidebar with a lot of little links. Click those to explore topics. IC Resources will include everything there is to know about the game world. OOC Resources will include rules, regulations, policies, guides, hints, FAQs and resources for your perusal. If you have a question, it will probably be answered there. If not, you can always contact the site administrator.

The most important thing at this point is: don't be intimidated! This might seem like a whole lot of information to absorb, but if you take your time, you will probably find that you get through it quicker than expected. If you're worried you don't understand something, feel free to PM a moderator on the forums or email the site admin for clarification. And don't worry too much about fitting in. This is a welcoming, friendly little community.

Happy hunting!